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Welcome to UD Consumer

As part of our mission to support our retail partners, the United Drug Consumer team have developed this site to give 24/7, always on access to the full portfolio of Pemberton and Intrapharma teams all in one place. Whether you want to shop by brand, category or division we have designed the site to allow you shop or browse as you would like. Check out the About Us section to meet the team and learn more about the Consumer Division and the services we can offer. The training and marketing hub areas are packed full of up to date content and assets to support you and your teams in store and on-line.

Sign up for easy 24/7 access

We’re ready to take your order day or night. Simply sign up to create an online account using your Pemberton account number,

Shop by brand or category

Select how you choose to browse our products, interested in a particular category? Look through the whole collection and use intuitive filters to find the range you desire. Know the brand you want to stock? Select that range from the shop by brand tab

Simple, quick easy order and re-order portal

Know what you need? Use our quick order form to set swift multiple purchases and avail of re-orders for your return shop.